Rules of Entry – 2018
1. There are two divisions: Grades 6-8 (Junior Division) and 9-12 (Senior Division). Poems may have been printed and have won previous awards.
2. This competition is open to all students attending school in our state including public, private, and parochial schools. Only ONE entry per student is allowed.
3. Submit two copies of each poem. Put division (junior or senior) in the upper LEFT corner of both copies. FIRST copy must have student's ID in the upper RIGHT corner including: student name, teachers full name, school name and address, and student grade level. Also include this acceptable declaration of originality statement on the BOTTOM of the ID COPY ONLY: I certify that this poem is my original work and has not been copied in whole or part from any author's poems in print or on the internet. Signed: _________________________
The SECOND copy must NOT have any ID information. Only the Division status in the upper LEFT corner. ( Note: ISP would also like the home addresses in order to mail each Indiana winner an honorary year’s subscription to its newsletter, Indiana Poet. This information could be included in the ID copy or attached to the ID copy if permissible by the student.)
4. Each poem should be neatly typed or computer-generated, single spaced, have a title and no more than 35 lines including space lines with no line having more than 60 characters including spaces and punctuation. The poem should be on a single sheet. Do not staple the two copies (FIRST and SECOND copies) of the poem together.
5. PLEASE, no large print, illustrations or unusual type fonts (i.e. gothic, script, etc.) Best fonts are Times New Roman or Arial and no larger than 12 point.
6. Separate copies with no ID from those with ID, placing originals on the top. Identification should not be on the back of the poem.
7. Entries should be postmarked no later than January 15, 2018
Linda Eaton, Manningham Chair
7543 East 300 South
Elwood, IN 46036
[email protected]
8. State Prizes in each division: 1st $50; 2nd $30; and 3rd $20. Places 4-7 will receive Honorable Mention Certificates. NOTE: ISP’S ranking of Indiana’s winners will have no bearing on the National Manningham’s Judging. NOTE: ISP will give out State and (if any) National Manningham Awards in May.
9. NATIONAL AWARDS: First, second. and third place winners in each division will have their poems submitted to the national contest with winners receiving additional prize monies. Winning Poems in the national contest will be published and each national winner and his/her school will receive a complimentary awards booklet. State winners are honorary members of ISP for one year.
The only poems eligible for awards in the National Manningham Contest are those selected by ISP as the top 10 in each division.