Our hardworking contest director, Caroline Dewey, reminds you that:
You have until (postmark) September 1st to get your poetry in - - in all one mailing.
Don't forget the $10 or $7 fee.
You can also become a member! (Click here for membership info).
One of my favorite parts of the contest it is challenges me to try new poetic forms. Until last year I thought a Pantoum might be loosely related to a panda.
And an Elfchin! That one is fun to imagine.
You can look up all these fascinating forms on websites such as shadowpoetry.com.
We also have a rule clarification about titles:
ALL poems must be titled except those whose form dictates no title is used, such as Haiku, Senryu, and Clerihew. For Elfchen, a title is optional. All others, unless particular form states so, are to have titles. We cannot foresee any and all the types of poems you may choose to enter, as several categories are "Any subject, and Any form," so it is up to you the contestant to become informed. A good source is shadowpoetry.com.