Currently reads:
This constitution may be amended or changed by the Board of Directors at any State Board Meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members present, provided that the proposed amendment or amendments or changes have been submitted in writing to a previous Board Meeting, after which it shall be submitted for ratification and adoption at the next State Federation Convention.
From the By-laws:
Currently reads:
These By-Laws may be amended at any regularly publicized meeting of ISFPC, Inc. by a majority of those present, if there is a quorum, provided the proposed changes have been submitted in advance through the official bulletin, newsletter, or at the previous meeting.
Amend both to read:
The Constitution and By-laws may be amended at any regularly publicized state convention of ISFPC, Inc., such as Spring Meeting or Fall Rendezvous, by a two-thirds vote of those present, if there is a quorum, provided the proposed changes have been submitted in advance through the official bulletin, ISFPC website, newsletter, or at the previous meeting.
Our Constitution and By-laws are two separate documents that work hand-in-hand to govern how we operate. There is a lot of crossover between the two. Both, for example, cover material about what officers do and how we hold meetings. These documents need to be in agreement.
It is the recommendation of most sources of Parliamentary Procedure sources that to amend a bylaw or the constitution, the proposed amendment is presented in advance and may be passed with a 2/3 majority of voting members at a state meeting. “ISFPC website” was added as an accepted way of publicizing the proposed amendment.
The terms “State Board” and “State Board Meeting” were removed because ISFPC has not operated with a separate State Board for quite some time. The “State Board” is defined as “the Presidents of all affiliate clubs or their alternates, all elected officers of ISFPC, the chairmen of all standing committees of ISFPC and all past presidents of ISFPC.” What we have in actuality today in ISFPC is a main body of members, governed by executive (and elected) elected officers (President, 1VP, 2VP, Secretary, and Treasurer). Our 2 annual meetings, Spring Meeting and Fall Rendezvous, are now where most business is conducted, and all chairmen, club representatives, and past presidents should be present at those members if they wish to be involved. The proposed amendment allows for all regular members of ISFPC to vote on our constitution and governing policy, as we have been doing in practice for several years. Also, it does not make sense to allow regular members to decide the bylaws and only a Board of Directors decide the constitution, as these cover similar territory.
Our bylaws and constitution were reviewed at the national level and the proposed amendment would be consistent with their advice and Practical Parliamentary Procedure.
Proposed at Fall Rendezvous, Oct 15, 2016, will be voted on at Spring Meet 2017
Bylaw committee: Sarah E. Morin, Sandra Nantais