In honor of their 25th Year Celebration the N.I. Poets sponsored a contest with the theme “SUMMER” and awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place at the party. Each winner received a certificate, check and copy of the book “Silver Anniversary Poetry Collection” which included the winning poems, honorable selects, and poetry by some of the N.I. Poets. The first place winner was Barbara Lynn Shipe from Auburn, Indiana, second place was Nancy Carlson Dodd from Fort Wayne, Indiana an third place Tanya Caylor of Ossian, Indiana, both the 1st and 2nd place winners were present and read their poems. Sheila Hite the judge for the contest and presenter read the 3rd place poem. The second place winner also won the 1st of the seven honorable select poems, and our ISFPC Premier Poet Mary Couch won a 2nd and 7th honorable select for her poems. Marlene Million from the Noble Poets in Noblesville won a 5th and Judy Young from the Last Stanza Poets in Elwood won 3rd honorable selects.
ISFPC Premier Poet Mary Couch was introduced as the guest speaker. She entertained the group of attendees with a variety of her poetry and how she came to write the poems. When she finished Dottie Mack was given a special gift, and then everyone got to listen to the cowboy poet (aka Caroline Dewey) who was extremely entertaining. The floor was then open to a round robin session and those in attendance came forward to read their poetry. A great time was had by all, and perhaps we’ll be invited back in another 25 years for their 50th celebration.
Featured blogger: Mary Couch