by David Allen
A man stands alone
in front of a tank,
delaying its deadly mission
for a few minutes
as bombs rain down
on his Ukraine town.
A rabid dictator
ordered this war
to rebuild Imperial Russia
and make him its newest Czar.
Democracies pass resolutions
to pick Russia’s pockets,
each president lining up
to wear Chamberlain’s old hat.
It’s a repeat of when Hitler
sought to take over land Germany
lost in the first world war.
Now a 40-mile parade of tanks
rumble toward Kyiv, as the people
ironically make Molotov cocktails
to stubbornly resist.
I wonder what former
Soviet Bloc country
Czar Putin will invade next.
by David Allen
A man stands alone
in front of a tank,
delaying its deadly mission
for a few minutes
as bombs rain down
on his Ukraine town.
A rabid dictator
ordered this war
to rebuild Imperial Russia
and make him its newest Czar.
Democracies pass resolutions
to pick Russia’s pockets,
each president lining up
to wear Chamberlain’s old hat.
It’s a repeat of when Hitler
sought to take over land Germany
lost in the first world war.
Now a 40-mile parade of tanks
rumble toward Kyiv, as the people
ironically make Molotov cocktails
to stubbornly resist.
I wonder what former
Soviet Bloc country
Czar Putin will invade next.

David Allen is a retired journalist with 36 years on newspapers in Virginia, Indiana, and the Far East. He is now a full-time poet, former vice president and contest director for the Poetry Society of Indiana, and host of poetry meetings in Anderson and Chesterfield. He has been published in numerous poetry ezines, journals, and anthologies. David has published four books of poetry available on Amazon at: Visit his poetry blog at