by Marlene Million
Angels whisper of mysteries
and secrets of the Universe,
while the cosmos swirls
in tandem of perpetual wonder.
The moon, stars, and planets
reflect the spirit of creation.
Cherubim and Seraphim bestow
praises upon Your vastness.
Birds migrate, lambs sleep
and human life is conceived . . .
all balancing within
Your Divine Hand.
by Marlene Million
Angels whisper of mysteries
and secrets of the Universe,
while the cosmos swirls
in tandem of perpetual wonder.
The moon, stars, and planets
reflect the spirit of creation.
Cherubim and Seraphim bestow
praises upon Your vastness.
Birds migrate, lambs sleep
and human life is conceived . . .
all balancing within
Your Divine Hand.

Marlene Million is a member of Noble Poets, Poetry Society of Indiana (PSI), National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS). She has been published in The Polk Street Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Ink to Paper, Poetry and Paint, and several books and anthologies. Marlene had a poem on display at the Indianapolis Arts Garden, and has an Associate degree in English. She is a retired State Farm Insurance Secretary, and a grandmother of four. Her first poetry chapbook is entitled In Light of Joy. Marlene is currently working on a second poetry chapbook.
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